The Life Righting Collective runs courses to encourage self-exploration through life writing, raises funds for course fees and brings people together to share their stories and grow community.
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Dawn - Rewriting Your Childhood

Dawn Garisch has been running life writing courses since 2009. She has run these for individual participants across South Africa, as part of the ASSITEJ young theatre makers programme, the UFS Academic Support programme, the UCT Art in Medicine course and the UCT Entrepreneur course. Dawn is a medical doctor, as well as an award-winning writer, having published seven novels, a short story collection, two poetry collections and two works of non-fiction. She has also had plays, television scripts and one short film produced. Dawn is in the process of training other facilitators so that life writing, and the life skills that result, will be made available to more people.

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The story about who you are and where you’re going began to form when you were a child. In this three day workshop, we invite you to explore the origin of your story. What would the child you were want you to know? What would you want that child to feel?

We will help you to recover a beginning and rework an ending to a small but important event or situation from your early life. You will write a short tale that can be read to other children and adults to help them to connect with this beautiful and difficult gift of life.

Dates: November 3, 10, 17

Time: 2:30-6pm

Zoom Link: Will be emailed to you on successful registration and payment


Option 1 TBC

Option 2 TBC

Option 3 TBC

This course is currently unavailable. The date, venue and price will be confirmed.

Yellow Arrow


We’re experimenting with a sliding scale fee model, allowing for the Writer’s Way events to be offered at multiple price points based on your financial circumstances.

For it to work, we’re relying on principles of truthfulness and accountability.

Teachers deserve to be paid and course participants deserve to attend personal development courses which recognise the multiple reality of economic access and privilege that exist.

Fee option 1 is a reduced rate for those whose budget genuinely cannot accommodate option 2.

Fee option 2 represents the fair and true cost of the course.

Fee option 3 is for those who are able to pay for themselves and pay extra towards making it possible for another person to attend a LRC writing course at a nominal rate.

The Life Righting Collective runs courses to encourage self-exploration through life writing, raises funds for course fees and brings people together to share their stories and grow community.
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