The Life Righting Collective runs courses to encourage self-exploration through life writing, raises funds for course fees and brings people together to share their stories and grow community.

Ambassadors & Donors


Our Heartfelt Thanks

The Life Writing Collective would not exist without the generous and free gifting of many people’s time, energy, money and skills. We want to thank everyone who has contributed – and continues to contribute – to the life of this wonderful community organisation so that it grows and thrives: 

  • Amani Foundation, Beatrix Jordaan Trust  and the Rivera Charitable Trust– headed up by LRC members who have done a course – for their major funding of the organisation.
  • Ambre Nicholson for writing a review on the Crypt launch.
  • Anna Drinka, Desiree-Anne Martin and Doreen Gowens for helping with fundraising.
  • Anna Drinka, Jonathan Luies and Cian Small for filming and editing a short video on the LRC for fundraising and to promote our work.
  • Anne Duncan for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Anne Townsend for organising a course in Barrydale.
  • Annemarie Hendrikz, Yvonne Sliep and Heleen Sliep for organising a course in Kleinmond, and sponsoring participants.
  • Arja Salafranca for writing a review of the anthology and organising another.
  • Beauty Bokwani, Nathan Festus, Lara Fairall, Robert Hamblin, Charlotte Mande Illunga, Nobesuthu Tom, Reini Adelbert, John Cartwright, Lorraine le Roux, Annette Snyckers, Kerry Hammerton, George Davis, Stephanie Safari, Peter Surtees, Norton Tenille, Leonora Lewis, Hermien de Vos, Floss Mitchell, Ronelle Hart, Lerato LehlabatheMary Duker, Joa le Roux and Kathija Yassim for participating in book events.
  • Berenice Paulse, senior researcher in parliament, for facilitating our seminar and selling copies of the anthology, and Beauty Bokwani and Hani du Toit for being available to speak in that forum.
  • Carole Bloch for promoting our work and speaking at the Crypt launch.
  • Cecelia Stott for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Chantal Collete for fundraising advice.
  • Charlotte Mande Illunga, Hani du Toit, Desiree-Anne Martin, Robert Hamblin and Shuhood Abader for participating in the video to assist with fundraising.
  • Cynthia MacPherson for her home as a venue for a poetry course.
  • Cynthis MacPherson, Yvonne O’Connor and Esme Goldblatt for running a book event at Fish Hoek Library.
  • Derek Joubert for organising a course with Net Vir Pret, and providing accommodation.
  • Dimitri Otis for assisting with taking photographs and videos for marketing purposes.
  • Dinah Eppel for assisting with admin, catering and venues.
  • Dorna Revie for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Earl Petersen for going above and way beyond as our webmaster.
  • Elizabeth Goodson for her generous donation to the the LRC.
  • Ella Scheepers for sponsoring participants to attend LRC courses.
  • Emily Buchanan for editing the anthology and her generous donation.
  • Everyone who contributed writing to the anthology and the website so that we can get to know each other better and take courage and be inspired.
  • George Davis for taking photographs at the Crypt anthology launch.
  • Gertrude Fester for offering fundraising ideas.
  • Graziella Zanoletti for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Graziella—Catherine Carlucci for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Heather Young for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Helen Binkes for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Helen Stubbings for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Helena Wagener for assisting with social media and writing blog posts.
  • Iris Fillinger for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Janet Giddy for providing a venue for LRC meetings, for writing a review on the anthology for the SA Medical Journal and for participating in the Montague Book Festival.
  • Janet Meintjies for her home as a venue for a poetry course.
  • Janice Behr for organising an event at Tokai Library.
  • Jason Jacobs for organising the ASSITEJ writing course.
  • Jean Luyt for organising a course for mentors at GSH.
  • Jen Radloff for creating our beautiful Mascot.
  • Joa le Roux for coming all the way from PE to join the launch and reading her piece.
  • John Cartwright for helping with editing pieces for the website.
  • Jonathan Luies for designing our annual report and ongoing technical assistance & for creating and moderating the LRC online forum.
  • Julia Norrish for sponsoring a participant on a poetry course in Kleinmond and donating towards sponsoring poets to attend the McGregor Poetry Festival in 2023.
  • Judy Bekker and Valerie for providing their home in Beaverlac as a venue for the Nature Writing Course.
  • Kate Wigley and Cleon Romano for providing a course venue at Maria’s restaurant in Cape Town.
  • Katherine Glenday for use of The Forge and for doing a mock up of a potential cover for the anthology.
  • Kathija Yassim, Beauty Bokwani and Net Vir Pret for taking the principles of life writing into their work with young people.
  • Khula Cape Foundation for supporting us in our literary endeavours with funding for printing course promotion fliers and ongoing improvements of our website.
  • Larno Pienaar for sponsoring our first Afrikaans Memoir Course in 2021.
  • Lerato Lehlabathe for being our best seller at over 70 copies of the anthology, and for getting us an audience in parliament.
  • Lindsay Wright for her ongoing help with applying for PBO status from SARS to help us raise funds.
  • Lisa Kane, Jen Thorpe and Jen Radloff for their LRC podcast initiative.
  • Lise Day for her generous donation sponsoring LRC poets to attend the McGregor Poetry Festival in 2022.
  • Loretta Sanderson for offering to organize our next PE course.
  • Lorraine Burne for promoting book sales in Johannesburg.
  • Lucy Alexander for proofreading the anthology.
  • Lundbeck South Africa (Pty) Limited for donating to the LRC.
  • Madoda Ndlakuse and Charlotte Mande Illunga for being interviewed for the purposes of a fundraising campaign.
  • Many members who have recommended courses far and wide.
  • Margaret-Anne Halse for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Marilyn Pigott for organising two courses in Leysin, Switzerland and one in Stanford.
  • Maria Daengeli for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Matthew Caretti for facilitating a bulk purchase of the anthology
  • Members who have donated funds from R50 to R2000, some on a recurring monthly basis to sponsor participants on festivals and courses.
  • Members who sponsored poets to go to the McGregor Poetry Festival in 2018.
  • Mignonne Breier for donating copies of her memoir ‘Letters To My Son’ to the LRC.
  • Nancy Richards and Beryl Eichenberger for supporting our work at Woman Zone.
  • Nancy Richards for writing a review of the anthology for Country Life.
  • Nathan Festus for organising a radio interview on CCFM.
  • Nicole Benoit for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Noelle Koeries for organising a book event at Woman Zone.
  • Nora Wintour for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Norton Tennille for his generous donation to the LRC.
  • Pamela Hardenburg for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Pat Garratt and Cynthia MacPherson for representing the LRC at the Book Week event at Tokai Library.
  • Paula Kingwell of The Rest for sponsoring participants on the course on her farm.
  • Phillipa Kabali-Kagwa for performing at The Crypt launch.
  • Philomene Luyindula for recruiting writers for courses, being an incredible networker and being our Knysna organiser.
  • Pregs Govender, Sara-Jayne King, Helen Moffett and Bongani Kona for endorsing the anthology.
  • Richard Rosenthal for sharing free legal advise with the LRC.
  • Roland Langley for keeping the LRC informed about funding opportunities.
  • Ronelle Hart and Arja Salafranca for organising courses in Johannesburg, for participating in the Love Books book launch and for promoting our course.
  • Ronelle Hart for being our Johannesburg organiser, providing accommodation, and being a book distribution centre.
  • Rose Jackson, Lara Fairall and others for offering lifts to courses, follow up gatherings and the MacGregor Festival.
  • Ruth Goodman and Karin Andersen for organising a book event in Barrydale.
  • Sharon Peddie for making a pedestal / container to transport our mascot safely to ensure the hairstyle remains unruffled.
  • Shena Lamb and Mary Duker for organising the PE launch of the anthology.
  • Shena Lamb for being our PE organiser, interviewing Madoda Ndlakuse, and for providing accommodation.
  • Simon Sephton for his legal advice.
  • Simon Smith, the LRC web developer, who has generously contributed countless hours of behind-the-scenes work to keep our website up and running along with constant enhancements and updates; and even baking us a loaf of his awesome sourdough bread!
  • Steve Reid and St John Haw for playing the piano at the Crypt launch.
  • Sue Alexander, Jane Alexander and Theo Rossouw for selling books at the Crypt launch.
  • Sue and Richard Halley-Stott for their donation and for providing a course venue in their home in Johannesburg.
  • Sue Soal for her generous gift of facilitating the LRC executive committee to formulate a refreshed vision for structures and goals going forward.
  • Tamryn Pelser for helping us apply for funding for sponsored LRC poets to attend the McGregor Poetry event.
  • The Crypt for providing a free venue for the anthology launch.
  • The Grail Centre for providing a free venue and catering for the poetry course in Kleinmond.
  • The Narrative Foundation for sponsoring participants and catering for the poetry course in Kleinmond.
  • The members in PE and Johannesburg who have hosted follow up gatherings (FUGs) in their homes.
  • Those who donated sparkling wine, refreshments and eats at the Crypt launch.
  • UCT medical school reunion class of ’81 for their generous donation to the LRC.
  • Vonni Romano, Hani du Toit and Esme Goldblatt for hosting FUGs in Cape Town.
  • Wendy Lopatin for her generous donation to the LRC.
  • Zuleiga Adams for inviting the LRC to UCT summer school.

Please let us know if we have erred in omitting anyone. Any oversight is a consequence of our old brains and not due to lack of appreciation and we hope in advance to be forgiven.

The Life Righting Collective runs courses to encourage self-exploration through life writing, raises funds for course fees and brings people together to share their stories and grow community.
Copyright © 2025 Life Righting Collective | All Rights Reserved
| 125-306 NPO |
PBO NO 930062533