The Life Righting Collective presents Cliff-hangers: extraordinary stories written by ordinary people. A story reading event which will leave you hanging on for more.
WHEN: THIS SATURDAY 20th October 10 30am - 1pm
WHERE: Kukoma Coffee Co 136 St George's St, Simon's Town
Stop by for the best barista coffee and delicious snacks and be entertained at the same time. Listen to authors reading parts of their stories from our anthology This Is How It Is as well as stories published on our website.
Discover the fascinating behind-the-scenes story (written by Sebastian Daniels) about Kukoma here.
Arrive early to order refreshments or order in the break. Anthologies and book marks will be on sale.
We've all got a story to tell. What's yours? Learn to write your own life stories by attending a life writing course. Find out more here.