You are invited to explore the creative information that is bound up in your persistent difficulties – your chronic illness, relationship problems, habits and addictions, artistic blocks, or spiritual dilemmas.
Neuroscience confirms that our behaviour, attitudes and choices are driven by images and narrative. This explains why logic and argument are often ineffective in changing old patterns.
Locked in a chronic or recurrent complaint are stagnant and blocked images. Instead of trying to get rid of the difficulty out of fear and frustration, we will explore the associated images with curiosity.
This workshop will help you to identify the images that underlie the disturbances in your life and give you tools to explore them. This can release valuable information and connections. Paying attention using the tools of the artist – drawing, writing, movement, clay, collage – encourages unexpected resolutions to emerge.
PLEASE NOTE: No previous writing or art experience/skills needed!
This course will be facilitated by Dawn Garisch.
Bookings via