The Life Righting Collective runs courses to encourage self-exploration through life writing, raises funds for course fees and brings people together to share their stories and grow community.


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Kerry Hammerton currently lives in Cape Town but has also lived in Johannesburg and London. Reading is her first passion although writing poetry is a close second. Her poetic voice arises out of the roles that she plays or has played in life: woman, friend, lover, wife, daughter, aunt, writer, poet, worker, seeker. Kerry’s poetry is intimate and honest, and explores themes around identity, romantic relationships, depression, suicide, women’s bodies and their experiences of sex. She writes to examine reality and also to create a space for belonging. Kerry is currently pursuing a writing project that explores the lives of middle-aged and older women. Contributing author to the Life Righting Collective’s This is how it is anthology.

Stories by this author

The Life Righting Collective runs courses to encourage self-exploration through life writing, raises funds for course fees and brings people together to share their stories and grow community.
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